Carving and the Human touch
Stone carving is such an old skill, it predates our own species and may even predate other human species. Also known as “knapping,” shaping stone began as a way of making tools, usually for bludgeoning or cutting. Archaeological evidence suggests carving for decorative purposes came much more recently in the history of the art. The success of carving depends on the purpose and the properties of the material. Some minerals do not take carving well, while others have proven precise media for both self-expression and strictly practical use. Cutting stone has also harnessed the timelessness of minerals to preserve the words of the ancients: whoever carved the Rosetta Stone unlocked the knowledge of the ancient Egyptians to modern times.
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This space is ideal for writing a detailed description of your business and the types of services that you provide. Talk about your team and your areas of expertise.

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This space is ideal for writing a detailed description of your business and the types of services that you provide. Talk about your team and your areas of expertise.

This is a great place to add a tagline.
Tell customers more about you. Add a few words and a stunning pic to grab their attention and get them to click.
This space is ideal for writing a detailed description of your business and the types of services that you provide. Talk about your team and your areas of expertise.